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Toreagh Primary School, Larne

Newsletter 26/06/2020

25th Jun 2020

Hello everyone,

Well today is the last day of Home Learning.  We are all very proud of you and how hard you have worked at home over the last number of weeks and months.  You really have excelled with the different challenges all of us have faced during lockdown.  We hope you are looking forward to your summer break. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the staff said goodbye remotely to our P7 pupils and their parents.  This was a very strange experience.  However, it was great to see them all looking so well and we wish them every success as they take their next steps in their educational journey.  There is a copy of the super PowerPoint that Miss Hunter and Grace made for their Leaver’s Assembly in the “Lights, Camera, Action” area of Home Learning.  Feel free to have a look at it but please do not share this with anyone who is not part of our school family.

Hopefully you enjoyed the Outdoor Learning Day yesterday and fingers crossed the weather will allow you to enjoy a picnic today.  Please send any photos to, as Mrs Wells is aiming to make a video to share these on our website.    All photos should be with Mrs Wells by lunchtime on Tuesday 30th June 2020.

Have you managed to view the Arts Day videos yet?  It was great to see all the different outcomes to the different challenges.  The staff are very pleased with everything that they saw.  Well done everyone, especially those who managed to complete them all!

Keep checking your class area on the Home Learning section as the teachers or Miss Morrow may share important messages in there during the summer break.  Have you looked today?

Miss Morrow is very, very, very busy at the minute putting the plans together for our return to school in the new term.  She has attached a letter to all classes today in your Home Learning Section to keep you updated on the latest.   We will continue to keep in touch with you via our school website and text messaging service throughout the summer break as and when new procedures are updated.

During the summer break, school can be contacted at or in an emergency or for a safeguarding issue please ring the school mobile on 07565779653.

Have a fun and enjoyable summer break, everyone. 

Take care and stay safe!  Remember to keep washing your hands!